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10$ Per Person at the Gate. Camping Included.
12:00 pm-8:00 pm Family Friendly. **Play not Party**
A N64 Mario Kart tournament with Fan Art Contest, Cosplay Contest, Live Music, IRL Mario Kart Racing, MTG Tournament, Flow Artist, and a Variety of Vendors!
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the local United Way Chapter!!
In Real Life Mario Kart:
-We have 4 peddle karts that can hold up to 350 pounds
-5 laps per race.
-Must stay on course
-If hit with a green shell, must come to a complete stop for 5 seconds (referee will help)
-All for fun and bragging rights!!
Anchor 16
MTG Tournament:
-Hosted by Illuminaudi Cards
-12 till 8 in the Dance(Guild) Hall
Anchor 17
Lego Fire Walk:
-Test your might anytime for free
-5$ to enter to win a prize
-To win a prize you must:
-Walk across 3 times
-Do 3 knee push-ups
-Do 3 sit-ups
-Do 3 jumping jacks
-Prize??: Your choice of Lego mini figure collectables. Limit 1 per hour please.
Anchor 18
Cosplay Contest:
-FREE to enter!
-Contestants must be by stage at 5:30
-Contestants will walk by stage where judges will choose top 3 and then select a winner.
-Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place contestants
Anchor 19
Fan Art Contest:
-5$ to enter unless already vending
-Must choose 1 piece to enter and have on display by 2:00
-Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place contestants
-Each person received an army man upon arrival. This is your voting chip.
-Place voting chip (army man) in bucket by your favorite piece.
-Yes, after voting is can have your army man back.
Anchor 20
Flow Artist Performance:
-Please refrain from spinning outside designated area.
-Please confirm with Geek Out Flow Artist before performing.
Anchor 22
-We have a variety of vendors coming to Geek Out!! Artist, crafters, hoopers, gamers and much more!
-There will be food sold in the lodge house as well as a vegetarian food vendor outside.
-Artist alley will be in the lodge house.
Anchor 23
Live Music:
12:00- Jack Nuttall
1:00-Heffron bros acoustic
2:00-Eyeris Wide
4:00-Ship of Fools
5:00-Fissure Shaft
6:00-Dj Rob
7:00-Red Rose
8:00-Throw a Fit
11:00-Dj Kaiten & Friends
Anchor 24
Mario Kart N64 Tournament Rules:
STARTS AT 4:00 (Must be registered by 3:45!!)
10$ to Per Person to Enter.
-2nd place consolation prize
Single Elimination
-A 4 player match, consisting of 4 games will be played each round.
-Each player is guranteed 4 games.
-Every round, each player will choose 1 map of their liking (besides Rainbow Road. That will be the final race.)
-After those 4 maps are played for the round, the 1st and 2nd place will move on. 3rd and 4th are eliminated.
-Each new round, players must choose a different map from their previous round.
-If two players choose the same characters, a coin flip will determine who gets first pick.
-Final 2 players will play one game of Rainbow Road.
-NO CHEATING OR EXPLOITING! EXCEPTION: Koopa Troopa Beach jumps AND Rainbow Road jump.
Anchor 21
-No alcohol or drugs
-No smoking or chewing tobacco within the Building.
-No vulgar apparel.
-Individual controllers are welcome on select tournaments, but will be subject to approval. Please ask Geek Out Event Coordinator if controllers are allowed in specified tournament.
-All players must arrive and check in no later than 30 minutes before the tournament is scheduled to begin.
In the case of console/TV/Routing malfunction, the game will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time
it crashed. Even if the match is 2 seconds from ending.
Spectators may not communicate with player while he or she is competing (providing tips or heckling and other
forms of verbal abuse). Breaking of this rule will result in ejection of the spectator, and in extreme cases,forfeit of the game.
-Cheering is encouraged, however. Coaches are considered spectators.
-Do not quit out of game without the permission of your station's referee. Un authorized quitting before the game has ended results in an automatic forfeit.
-All decisions made by tournament officials are final and not subject to debate.
-All players must be available for post tournament awards ceremonies, photographs, interviews, etc.
-All team players must be polite to the other teams, spectators, sponsors, press and the Geek Out Staff. -Abuse of our volunteer Staff will not be tolerated in any form. This includes written messages or verbal comments. This also means no teasing, picking on other teams, little kids, or harassment. BE WARNED:Geek Out hss zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior. If player on any team acts in ppropriately, their team will be warned. If it happens again, your team will be disqualified from the tournament and your team will be escorted out of the event and the entire team will be banned from all
future events without refund. If you have complaint about the tournament staff or any other problem, take your complaint directly and politely to Geek Out Employee.
-You must sign an Event Registration form and be registered for and checked-in to the event to participate in the tournament.
-Any attempt to gain an unfair advantage is cheating. This includes modifying the game files, running memory resident cheats, or anything else beyond the norm l scope of the game.
Anchor 25
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